Adrian TODORUŢ, Nicolae CORDOŞ, Alexandru MARIAN, Monica BĂLCĂU


The paper captures a theoretical study, by numerical modeling concerning the evaluation of the transversal stability parameters for the Segway type vehicles. To the development of the numerical models used were taken into account: the operating mode of the vehicle with two wheels located coaxial; the influence of the pressure in the tire on the dynamic radius of the vehicle and the speed; the forces that acts on the cornering; the influence of the electric engine rotation speed on speed of the vehicle type Segway; the influence of the center of gravity height of the users and their weight on the speed and on the transversal stability of the vehicle; the influence of the angle of transversal inclination of the road on the speed and on the stability of the vehicle. In the study shall be taken into account in matters relating to the different transversal inclinations the of the road, different rays of the trajectory, the different speeds, the main parameters of the Segway type vehicle taken into study and different users (man/woman - 5; 50; 95%). The obtained results are in graphical form and shows: the forces which are obtained between the tire of vehicle and the driving path; the parameters of the transversal stability for the vehicle - in the case of vehicle rollove, through the effect of the transversal grip; in the case of an transversal profile with single slope; in the case of the transversal profile with two flat slope.

Key words: Segway, user, transversal stability, numerical modeling

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