- » Focus and Scope
- » Section Policies
- » Peer Review Process
- » Open Access Policy
- » Publication ethics and malpractice statement
Focus and Scope
Prof. Univ. Dr. Ing. Tiberiu Alexandru ANTAL
Prof. Dr. Ing. George ARGHIR- membru al Academiei Universale din Lausanne, membru al CRIFST – Academia Română, membru al Academiei din New York
Prof. Dr. Ing. Polidor BRATU – membru al Academiei de Ştiinţe Tehnice,
Prof. Dr. Ing. Florin BLAGA,
Prof. Dr. Ing. Daniel CONDURACHE - membru corespondent al Academiei Române
Prof. Massimo GARAI PhD. (University of Bologna – Italy),
Prof. Dr. Mat. Krzysztof LIPIŃSKI (Gdansk – Poland), Prof. Dr. Ing. Iulian LUPEA,
Prof. Dr. Ing. Gerhard A. HOLZAPFEL (Graz, University pf Technology, Austria),
Prof. Dr. Eng. Mohamad NOORI (University of Michigan, USA),
Prof. Dr. Ing. Doina PISLA,
Prof. Dr. Ing. Ileana ROŞCA,
Prof. Dr. Ing. Calin VAIDA,
Prof. Dr. Ing. Sorin VLASE
Section Policies
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Applied Mathematics
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Peer Review Process
All manuscript submitted to ACTA is a subject of internal and external double blind review procedure.
First editors of the journal will make an internal review process for check if the manuscript has contributions and development in the area of research covered by journal. If the editors find that a manuscript is proper for publication in ACTA is assigned to an editor. This editor will be chose the three external reviewers and will submit the article to first two reviewers. This process will take 2-3 week. In this phase an article can be rejected without external review if the editor find similarity with a recently published article, the topic is outside of the scope of the ACTA, little new information is provided, important flaws in the scientific validity, or an unprofessional presentation.
External review will take three weeks including one week for accept the review from reviewers (for each article the reviewer has three working day for accept the review- their availability and interest in reviewing ). The reviewers use a separate sheet for review which is submitted with the body of article. The evaluation sheet contains 10 evaluation criteria which will be appreciated by reviewer for each article. The result of review process can be :
Accept the manuscript without modification
Accept the manuscript with minor modification
Accept the manuscript with major modification
Reject the manuscript with the possibility to resend
Reject the manuscript
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal, we use CC BY-NC-ND license (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs) wich only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Publication ethics and malpractice statement
The ACTA is seeking to publish profound, rigorous, well-written, high-quality, high-impact papers to generate discussion, debate, fresh perspective.
Therefore, the ethical integrity is a main essential to writing and publication. Important ethical concerns to consider while writing a manuscript include etiquette, fraudulent publication, plagiarism, duplicate publication, authorship, and potential for conflict of interest. As an academic online publication, ACTA is based on respecting the ethical integrity in writing and publication according to the ’Ethics for researchers’, http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/fp7/89888/ethics-for-researchers_en.pdf, the ‘The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity’, http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/hi/h2020-ethics_code-of-conduct_en.pdf%20and follows the COPE of Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, http://publicationethics.org/files/Code%20of%20Conduct_2.pdf.
All the ethical aspects one should take into account while writing a study (e.g. fraudulent publication, plagiarism, duplicate publication, authorship, conflict of interest) will be entirely avoid by strictly following the regulations regarding citations and copyright. The entire research will be carried out respecting the principles of Integrity in Research Publishing: ‘intellectual honesty in reporting research; accuracy in representing contributions of other scientists; collegiality in scientific interactions, including communications and sharing of information’ (Research Ethics for Social Scientists, London, 2006, p. 113).
In accordance with the code of conduct, ACTA will report any cases of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing. ACTA reserves the right to use plagiarism-detecting software to screen submitted papers at all times (Turnitin) to uncover potential plagiarism.
Authors must ensure that they have written original works. In addition, they must ensure that the manuscript has not been issued elsewhere. Any work or words of other authors, contributors, or sources should be appropriately credited and referenced. Authors are also responsible for language editing before submitting the article. Authors submitting their works to the journal for publication as original articles confirm that the submitted works represent their authors’ contributions and have not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works without clearly citing. Any work or words of other authors, contributors, or sources (including online sites) should be appropriately credited and referenced. All authors should disclose financial or other conflict of interest that might influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript (financial support for the project should be disclosed). When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper. An author agrees to the license agreement before submitting the article. All articles must be submitted using online submission procedure. Submitting a paper simultaneously to more than one publication at a time is a breach of publications ethics.
Editors must ensure a fair double-blind peer-review of the submitted articles for publication. They will strive to prevent any potential conflict of interests between the author and editorial and review personnel. Editors will also ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential before publishing. Editor-in-Chief will coordinate the work of the editors.
Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on content without regard to ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religious belief or political philosophy of the authors. They must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential and must report to the Editor-in-Chief if they are aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side. They must evaluate the submitted works objectively as well as present clearly their opinions on the works in a clear way in the review form. A reviewer who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the Editor-in-Chief and excuse himself from the review process.