
Abstract: The work presented consists in elaborating the methods of determining the parameters of the rational operating regime of the percussion drilling machine during its exploitation in the defined geological and mining conditions (Algerian career filafila )To define the purpose of empirical research, Is based on bibliographic research where several researchers have studied the method of drilling percussion with different methods based on the physico-mechanical properties of the rock, parameters of adjustment of the machine, geometrical parameters of the tool. The bibliographic analysis has shown that there are now certain methods of determining the dependencies of the drilling speed, and the penetration height is a function of the energy of a stroke of the piston and the drilling speed is A function of the height of penetration into the rock and the speed of rotation. The analysis of these methods shows that they are based on the knowledge of the peculiarities of the interaction of the tool against the rock. Each time, the parameters mentioned above are taken into account.

Key words: Rock, Percussive drilling, Energy of a stroke, Drilling process, Abrasiveness.

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