We see countries like China, Korea and Iran deploying TRIZ thinking widely among their engineering and scientific communities. When many people use TRIZ, the disadvantages for the non-user increase, while the advantages for an individual user are reduced. TRIZ users, therefore, increasingly need to find ways to increase the effectiveness of their TRIZ-related activities. It is becoming time to consider the psychological aspects associated with getting the best out of TRIZ. When two TRIZ teams find themselves in competition with one another, it is our hypothesis that perhaps it now becomes the one with the better mental state that is more likely to emerge as the victor. The paper seeks to begin the process of exploring the connection of advanced mental techniques and TRIZ. Both fields have a wide range of tools and methods. It seems that both fields can be brought easily together and thus allow innovators and teams to reach a higher ability to reveal the ‘right’ problem, to generate a broader range of stronger ideas. As a consequence, better solutions should be found in a shorter period of time. By bringing methods from Systematic Innovation and mindfulness together and by implementing that into workshop sessions, the paper demonstrates some of the early tangible benefits. From all workshops it can be seen that mindful TRIZ can play a significant advantage through the process of solving problems and for the next TRIZ generation. The aim of that paper is to show the TRIZ society how mindful TRIZ can enhance the process of solving problems and how to continue to be one step ahead. It is our desire to begin the journey by constructing some solid foundations. Something we believe is especially important and given the new pandemic-Crisis dominated world in which we all now live.
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