Stelian BRAD, Naomi Damaris DOLHA


Autonomous mobile robots are required in many applications, from industry to services, security, and defense. The capacity to navigate autonomously in a smooth way in environments with various obstacles is essential for adoption in the practice of these types of robotic systems. Smooth navigation and obstacle avoidance significantly depend on the right correlation between the obstacle avoidance algorithm and the robotic system design (type of sensors, sensor location, type of control, mechanical construction of the mobile platform). This paper investigates the possibility to design the obstacle avoidance algorithm from the perspective of the particular design of the robot. Early validation of the algorithm is a cost-effective approach. In this respect, this paper also introduces an architectural construct of various open-source technologies to test and validate the algorithm via a digital prototype (or digital twin) that embeds the physical properties of the real robot and of the obstacles within the simulation environment. Tests run in the virtual environment show that the proposed algorithm, embedded in a wider Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm, is capable to ensure a smooth avoidance of obstacles. Results can be easily implemented in a physical mobile robot for intelligent autonomous navigation.

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