
: 3D printing technology has proven to be an emerging one of real utility, supporting the realization of manufacturing processes in different industries. Including the field of engineering education, it has enjoyed investments and the development of laboratories, Makerspaces, or FabLabs that are equipped with 3D printing printers. The way they work, their exploitation has created an interesting and very attractive world for the training of engineers who have been challenged not only to imagine but also to create artifacts. This approach is successfully implemented in most technical, polytechnic universities because the learning experience created is particularly efficient and effective (develops imagination and creativity through 3D CAD drawings and artifacts). This research analyses the situation of learning, education in the field of 3D printing in universities and beyond (other training providers). Finally, the case of implementation of the INNO3D project (2019-1-IE203-000693INNO3D) at the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, is presented, which led to the diversification of the services offered to users of the Central University Library. The final conclusions focus on the main advantages of the 3D printing education for engineers and brief presentation of the Timisoara new Makerspace at the Central Library Politehnica University of Timisoara (Romania) that has been co-financed by the “3D Printing Support Service for Innovative Citizens”- INNO3D project.

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