Constantin Dorin OLTEANU, Costel CEOCEA, Aurel Mihail ȚÎȚU


The scientific paper proposes a pragmatic perspective of presenting some theoretical and practical aspects regarding the place and role of the management of the information system within a public organization providing services to citizens. IT system management cannot function without proper quality management. The point of view presented is a small part of the possibilities of implementing information technology and an information system. For an overview, general aspects about the classification and principles of an information system as well as notions about the structure and ways of classification of an information system were also presented. A pointed aspect is a use of information technology in e-government and the description of the information system of e-government within a public organization. In the last part, a point of view was presented on how to implement an information system within a public organization providing services to citizens through an analysis of the components of an information system and possibilities of creating an information system adapted to the specific context of the organization public.

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