Lavinia Ioana CULDA


Finding various solutions to solve the pandemic challenges made me approach this topic. Why are we interested in smart textiles or those with electronic involvement in the fight against viruses? We can even use textiles to monitor an individual's health. In a pandemic case, the interaction with a patient must be as small as possible. That's why I thought of creating a system for remotely capturing essential biological information, such as body temperature. Such a device must contain sensors, a storage system and information transmission. The paper aims to present an attempt by the author to design a smart textile by introducing various electronic devices in the child's usual clothes, which allow remote temperature monitoring. Even if the tests were performed on a child, the idea can be extrapolated to adults, especially in a pandemic context. Existing devices on the market were used in combination with textiles in the child's wardrobe to study the effectiveness of temperature monitoring, using devices integrated in textiles. It is an attempt to find the cheapest possible solutions for monitoring the health condition remotely. It is far from 

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