Camelia Ioana UCENIC, Claudiu Ioan RATIU


The implementation of a servitization strategy helps companies to gain competitive advantage. The aim of this study is to provide a scientific based approach for servitization in a manufacturing company from Transylvania. Quantitative and qualitative instruments were used. Kano model was employed as quantitative instrument. Several potential characteristics were considered for the servitization process. The standardized oral questionnaire was used because of its high rate of return and the possibility to reduce the understanding difficulties by direct explanations. The reference dimension was used as a non-statistical method in order to determine the number of respondents. Twenty middle managers participated at interviews. The number was enough because they come from a homogenous segment and is sufficient to determine 90-95% of all viable requirements. Discrete analysis was employed for model interpretation. Three of them are “must-be” features, two are “performance” attributes, three “attractive” and other two “indifferent”. The calculation of satisfaction and dissatisfaction coefficients provided a better ranking of these features. The Agile Logic free access framework was used for Kano model. The company can easily shift from product centric to a product service system by implementing the findings of this study.

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