Alina TRIFU, Daniel Onut BADEA, Paul FOGGARASY


This paper presents the findings of an ongoing project of the National Institute for Occupational Safety (INCDPM) developed in collaborations with BAUM Engineering SRL that addresses the occupational safety issues related to workers with disabilities, with emphasis on specific risk identification and mitigation. The method used was The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Using the chart flow and the list of items of this method, a literature search was conducted in Science Direct Freedom Collection, Elsevier database, Web of Science - Core Collection, Springer Link Journals. Keywords such as occupational risks, worker with disabilities, health and safety for impaired people, were used to retrieve relevant studies which explicitly reported on occupational risks related to workers with disabilities. It was developed an extensive and comprehensive list of occupational risks related to workers with disabilities.

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