Mateen ASHRAF, Cathal HEAVEY


Blockchain's growth in supply chains, since Satoshi Nakamoto's 2008 introduction, offers secure, immutable, and decentralized storage, drawing industry and academic attention for its transformative potential. Blockchain's hashed transaction chain ensures data integrity and immutability, addressing supply chain challenges: data collaboration, synchronization, and product traceability. We aim to create a Prototype for supply chain members, leveraging multiple Blockchains and IoT sensors for data integration and traceability. This software offers dashboards to manufacturers, suppliers, shippers, warehouse providers, distributors, and retailers, allowing them to monitor product statuses, verify using Blockchains, and save data securely. Using Sigfox sensors and LPWAN technology, our prototype connects with Ethereum, Solana, Tezos, Polkadot, Avalanche, and Stellar Blockchains. It enables two-way communication, eliminating third-party verification, and offers tailored interfaces, authentication, and authorization. This prototype also supports integration with other existing blockchain networks.

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