Carmen Ema PANAITE, Oana DODUN, Edward RAKOȘI, Laurentiu SLĂTINEANU


There are different interpretations of the concept of creativity and the use of methods of stimulating the technical creativity of engineering students. The development of automotive manufacturing requires an increase in the design capacity of future engineers, with more efficient use of student team spirit and creative availability. The purpose of the research was to reveal the extent to which teamwork and the application of different methods to stimulate the technical creativity of students in vehicle design are effective in identifying innovative solutions. It was intended to follow how, in the conditions of teamwork, different methods of stimulating technical creativity can be used, and innovative solutions to the problems addressed can be identified. The brainstorming method was used to formulate several innovation themes by the members of each student team. The logigram method highlighted the steps required to solve an innovative design theme. The study proved the effectiveness of teamwork and the methods used to stimulate the students' creativity in identifying innovative technical.

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