Nils LUFT, Kristian ARNTZ


The fourth industrial revolution is on its way to reshape manufacturing and value creation in a profound way. The underlying technologies like cyber-physical systems (CPS), big data, collaborative robotics, additive manufacturing or artificial intelligence offer huge potentials for the optimization and evolution of production systems. However, many manufacturing companies struggle to implement these technologies. This can only in part be attributed to the lack of skilled personal within these companies or a missing digitalization strategy. Rather, there is a fundamental incompatibility between the way current production systems and companies (Industry 3.0) are structured across multiple dimensions compared to what is necessary for industry 4.0. This is especially true in manufacturing systems and their transition towards flexible, decentralized and autonomous value creation networks. This paper shows across various dimensions these incompatibilities within manufacturing systems, explores their reasons and discusses a different approach to create a foundation for Industry 4.0 in manufacturing companies.

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