In capacitive measurements using fixed-width, spaced coplanar plates, the study aimed to determine the dielectric constant of the medium between these plates, which includes both air and the material (iron plate). Measurements were taken from three regions: the damaged area under external pressure, the undamaged region, and the transitional boundary zone. At least five measurements were collected from each region, potentially more for a comprehensive analysis. In the case of the 7mm-thick plate, the average capacitance values within the undamaged, transition, and damaged zones are measured at 1.127298 pF, 1.070874 pF, and 1.035826 pF, respectively. Similarly, for the 10mm-thick plate, the average capacitance values in the undamaged, transition, and damaged zones are determined to be 1.129858 pF, 1.087194 pF, and 1.075432 pF, respectively. These results reveal variations in capacitance across different thicknesses and regions within the tested plates. Significantly, these findings underscore the discernible decrease in dielectric constants in regions characterized by higher material conductivity, a phenomenon particularly prominent in compressed metals. This has significant implications for capacitive measurement systems, as it suggests they can effectively detect and visualize damaged areas, making them valuable for applications involving material alterations or deformations.
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