Mouad GARZIAD, Abdelmjid SAKA, Hassane MOUSTABCHIR, Maria Luminita SCUTARU, Mihaela Violeta MUNTEANU


The goal of this paper is to improve the safety and stability of motorcycle by analyzing the impact of the rider on control of motorcycle and predicting potential unstable scenarios. We are used the multibody approach to design a rider using biomechanical properties. The aim is to create a control strategy that utilizes the electromyogram (EMG) signals from the rider's muscles and that can efficiently handle multi-joint muscles during reaching movements. These signals will be used to give commands for controlling the motorcycle. To achieve our goal, we have introduced a PID feedback control scheme that takes neural commands as input and used a heuristic strategy to determine the required steer and roll angles based on the motion of the rider. The results indicate that the developed controller effectively stabilizes the motorcycle model when operating at high range of speeds mainly in the wobble and capsize mode.

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