Adrian-Ioan BOTEAN


This paper aims determining the linear thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) of calcium silicate using an optical method for measuring deformations called digital image correlation method (DIC). DIC provides full-field in-plane deformation fields of the test planar specimen surface by comparing the digital images of the specimen surface acquired before and after deformation. The samples evaluated in this paper are two calcium silicate plates: a square one (with sides of 50x50 mm and 3 mm of thickness) and a circular one (with a diameter of 50 mm and a thickness of 3 mm). The measuring set-up developed includes a simple heating device, thermal sensors and a thermo-camera for real-time temperature measurement and monitoring of the sample and a 2D and 3D-DIC measuring system. The study is carried out during two stages: Part I – Introduction to the measurement methodology and Part II – Evaluation of the experimental data.

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