Roxana Maria DRUTA, Radu Adrian MUNTEANU, Viktor KOVAL, Sebastian KOT, Lucian Ionel CIOCA, Elena Cristina RADA, Elena Simina LAKATOS


This review study investigates the issue of consumer behavior and attitudes toward green and renewable energy consumption. The relevance of the European Green Deal goals is expressed in making the EU climate neutral by 2050 through the use of green energy in energy and electricity supply. Moreover, it is crucial to know the green and renewable energy potential in our country and region, the consumers' knowledge about them, and their attitudes toward them. In this study, the main factors that can influence consumer behavior are collected, such as income, age, educational level, environmental awareness, and the cost of technology. This summarizes the main barriers to the adoption of green energy. The results show that some influencing factors appear in Willingness to Pay (WTP) process, regardless of whether the country is developed or developing. The most common problems with the adaptation of renewable energy at the household scale are the low potential of investment priorities of the national energy strategy, the high costs of modernizing the electricity grid to ensure decentralized energy production.

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