Ioan PETEAN, George ARGHIR, Ramona Flavia CÂMPEAN, Marius BĂRĂIAN, Alexandra Gertrud Hosu Prack


Badenian Salt deposited in Transylvanian Basin is one of the most pure evaporitic sodium chloride source. This fact feature important industrial and environmental aspects. The present investigation relates the theoretical crystallographic aspects of sodium chloride crystals – halite to its homogeneous crystallization from aqueous solution. The experimental X-ray diffraction pattern was compared to the theoretical one resulting a proper match of 2θ angles and interplanar distances for the typical FCC (face centered cubic) lattice. The crystal parameter results as 5.633∙10-10 m, a very close value to the theoretical one. Optical microscopy feature square salt clusters formed in aqueous solution having the sides at least 70 μm after 10 minutes of natural drying. The salt crystal grow up on the featured clusters progressively with the drying time. After 20 minutes there appear well contoured salt crystals oriented on [110] direction and few bearing [111] direction having almost 160 μm on the side. On these salt crystals could be observed steps representing crystal planes in different developing state. In a complete dry state of the sample, after 30 minutes, we observe the disappearance of the crystallization steps proving that the visualized crystals are complete grew. The average square side after complete crystal grow is situated around of 750 μm. Microscopic investigations proves that all growth crystal in homogeneous conditions have perfect shape which corresponds to the theoretical modeled shapes of FCC crystal lattice. The weaker intensity obtained  for (111) peak observed in experimental X-ray diffraction prove the prevalence of [110]and [200] crystals instead of [111].

Key words: Sodium chloride, homogeneous crystallization, badenian evaporites.


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