In this paper are proposed the prolongations and the supplements of the assumptions of [1-2] in gravity EVTD2 [3-10] regarding potential of quantic gravity energy, considering more precisely the circumstances around the zero resulting potentials. The levels’ lengths of these quantum potentials, relative to the masses, there are found to be identical and their “relative frequencies” in energy levels per meter nqg representing average linear density of energy in gravitational field for each of the masses. The relative mass of free falling bodies, doesn't matter and, this is explained by the positioning of the resulting zero potential in the mass of the falling body, which makes it non-representative in this type of gravity. Compaction of EMW is indeed, then, directly on the mass structure and not on its representative external potentials of this mass. Gravitation could be also expressed by the product of h by the number nqg, i.e. FG = nqg×h, analogous to photon energy.
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