Michel CONTE, Ileana ROŞCA


A revisit of the classic electrostatic interaction is here taken in a parallel approach with that classic analog on the gravitational interaction. New used physics is that of EVTD2 entities that is in the framework of a tri-quantum space-time where gravity, electrostatics and magnetism fit at best. It was found, in the area of the zero resulting potential that levels of electrostatic quantic potentials lengths are calculated identical as their related “frequencies” in energy levels per meter nqe and pqe representing the averaged linear density energy to each of the relevant charges. But these calculations have found their confirmation in the use of electron Volt (eV) as quantum value for the electric potential hierarchy levels in the field. This is in analogy with the reconsideration of quantum gravity that uses h. There are the EMW compaction on Substratum which must generate all this.

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Conte M., Rosca I. Phenomenain bodies’ freefall by EVTD2 gravity in energetic quantic space-time formatting potentials in quantic energy levels,ActaTechnicaNapocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanicsand Engineering Vol.58, Issue II, June, 2015

Conte M., Rosca I. Energetic and quantic potentials in values multiples of h, distributed on lengths adapted to the 6,048 ratio between the free fall on earth and moon, confirm their accelerations and the compaction process of the EMW in gravity quantum EVTD2.ActaTechnicaNapocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanicsand Engineering Vol.58, Issue II, June, 2015

Conte M., Rosca I. Zero resulting potential energetic and quantic in h initiates free fall and proximity of masses in quantic gravity EVTD2. Approach bysubstratum compacting mode (inter mass) depending 0n the EMW work, ActaTechnicaNapocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanicsand Engineering, same volume

Rosca I.,Conte M. Gravity reconsideration in tri-quantum energetic space-time EVTD2 where the potentials are expressed in h quantum energetic levels. Mass temperature above 0 K and zero resulting potential have a major role with EMW, ActaTechnicaNapocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanicsand Engineering, same volume

Conte M., Rosca I. An explanation of the bodies’ free fall by the quanta bipolar gravity theory of EVTD2,9th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2005, Antalya, Turkey, 26-30 September, 2005

Conte M., Rosca I. Theory of quanta double polar gravitation by the theory of EVTD2 – as it would be neither force nor a deformation but a space-time’s vibratory work,9th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2005, Antalya, Turkey, 26-30 September, 2005

Rosca I., Conte M., Structuration des entités EVTD2 de l’espace – temps: assimilation à la gravitation bi polaire quantique et holographique, Acta TechnicaNapocensis, Series: AppliedMathematics and Mechanics,50, Vol. II, 2007

Conte M., Rosca I., Détermination des vortex de la gravité quantique par la théorie des entités EVTD2, Première Partie : cas du bi vortex attractif entre les masses, Acta TechnicaNapocensis, Series: AppliedMathematics and Mechanics,51, Vol. I, p. 47-52, 2008

Conte M., Rosca I., Détermination des vortex de la gravité quantique par la théorie des entités EVTD2, Deuxième Partie : cas des vortex propulsifs derrière chacune des masses entre les masses, Acta TechnicaNapocensis, Series: AppliedMathematics and Mechanics,51, Vol. I, p. 53-58, 2008

Rosca I., Conte M., Configuration des potentiels résultants, pour deux et trois masses en gravité quantique bipolaire (théorie des entités EVTD2). Partie I : Cas de trois masses symétriques, Acta TechnicaNapocensis, Series: AppliedMathematics and Mechanics,51, Vol. I, p. 7-14, 2008

Conte M.,Rosca I., Configuration des potentiels résultants, pour trois masses en gravité quantique bipolaire (théorie des entités EVTD2). Partie II : Masses différentes en triangulation quelconque, Acta TechnicaNapocensis, Series: AppliedMathematics and Mechanics,51, Vol. I, p. 15-22, 2008

Conte M., Rosca I. Corrélations entre les matière et énergie noires, la loi des aires de Kepler et la gravité quantique en EVTD2. ActaTechnicaNapocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,52, Vol. I, 2009

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Conte M., Roșca I. New geometry in the quantic space-time of EVTD2 theory: the Pythagorean Theorem is no more valuable,ActaTechnicaNapocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and EngineeringVol. 58, Issue 1, March, 2015

Conte M., Roșca I. Equivalence entre charge électrique, énergie et masse :origine et nature quantiques de la charge suivant la théorie des entités EVTD2,1st International Conference « ComputationalMechanics and Virtual Engineering » COMEC 2005, 20-22 October 2005, Brasov, Romania


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