Raluca Maria IORDACHE, Viorica PETREANU, Delia Cristina MIHĂILĂ


This communication briefly presents the results of a longitudinal study conducted for 3 years on a group of electricians working at power lines (at height and on ground) and in power stations to detect possible signs and symptoms of a reversible physical and mental health, of a reduced ability to work, of occurrence of risky behaviors in the activity, which highlight the existence of a possible risk of early wear of the personnel, in relation to the activity carried out and the specific work related risks. Based on a multidimensional, multifactorial ergonomically approach of the problems, the study aimed to: (a) determine a system of exposure indicators and biological response to the action of the identified risks / risk factors; (b) establish a procedure for long-term monitoring of the physical and psychophysiological capacities and health of personnel; (c) establish measures to reduce risk factors for the health and safety of personnel, to preserve health and working capacity during working life. In its development, the study aimed to evaluate some indicators of the physical, psychophysiological and mental capacities of the personnel, capacities involved in carrying out work tasks in specific working conditions; the study also aimed to evaluate neuropsychic effort and analysis of physical and mental health. The study emphasized the occupational risk factors which can contribute, together with the extra-occupational and individual factors, to the etiological-pathogenesis of the investigated personnel’ possible illnesses and the necessary measures in the OSH organization policy.

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