Ionel Dănuț SAVU, Ines da FONSECA PESTANA ASCENSO PIRES, Sorin Vasile SAVU, Mirela CIORNEI, Dalia SIMION, Adrian Bebe OLEI


FDM printing process uses filaments made of polymers. The paper aims to analyze the behaviors of Sn-9Zn low fusion alloy as potential material for elaboration of metallic filaments for FDM process. Sn-9Zn has low melting point, which is below the maximum temperature reached by all common FDM printers. No alterations of the heater component of a printer are required when replace the polymeric filaments with Sn-9Zn filament. Different from ABS and PLA, Sn-9Zn is softer and has lower stiffness. Lower stiffness proved to involve difficulties in the transfer of the filament from the spool to the hot-end. Inside the hot-end the material is very fluid and, due to its transfer speed, the filament fills the heating chamber and the nozzle. That creates a resistance to the transfer process and the filament suffers deformation and even blockages. Specific correlation of the nozzle diameter with the heating temperature and the transfer speed was considered. Increasing of the nozzle diameter from 0.4 to 1.8 mm was necessary to maintain appropriate flow of the molten metal. Filament continued to experience deformations during transfer, but the transfer became possible.

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