Cistian Ioan INOAN, Radu Nicolae CORCHEȘ, Gheorghina RUS, Gheorghe ACHIMAȘ


The finite element method is currently the most widespread process for numerically solving engineering problems. When applying MEF, the domain occupied by the physical system under analysis is discretized into finite-sized subdomains bounded by rectilinear or curvilinear boundaries. Through this operation, the real system is replaced by a network of so-called finite elements. By applying MEF we obtain a system of equations that is solved numerically in relation to the values of the unknown knots. The main advantages of MEF are the following: flexibility (by allowing the discretization of bodies of any complex shape); the possibility to model inhomogeneous bodies from the point of view of physical properties; easy implementation in general computer programs. The most important disadvantage of MEF is the large volume of input data required for the construction and numerical solving of the model.

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