Roxana Maria DRUTA, Geanina Maria DAVID, Radu Adrian MUNTEANU, Loredana Andreea BIRGOVAN, Sorin Dan CLINCI


According to the initiators of the concept, the circular economy is "the way to eliminate waste and reduce carbon emissions, through the use of environmentally superior materials, products and processes”, which generate green economic growth and create new jobs in the work field. This has emerged as a lesson in sustainability that can separate economic growth from waste generation and resource consumption in the paradigm of circular economy. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to systematize the vast academic literature that is found in the industrial sector of waste electrical and electronic equipment, with a view from the circular economy lens. In total, 30 articles were selected and looked into according to the following three steps (1) planning - justification and protocol; (2) conducting the review - identifying the research, selecting the basic studies, evaluating the quality of the study, extracting and monitoring the data; and the final stage; (3) reporting the results of the review.

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