This research explores the effects of electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) information, attitude toward information (ATT), and purchasing. Subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC), and consumer’s internet experience (CIE) on consumers’ online purchasing intentions while considering the moderating role of information quality. A self-administered survey was conducted on customers in Pakistan. Based on the data collected from 330 consumers. This study carried the regression, descriptive analysis, Cronbach alpha, and correlation using SPSS and structural equation modeling (SEM) approach using AMOS. Study results reveal that e-WOM, ATT, SN, PBC, and CIE positively influence consumers' online purchasing intention. In particular, a new finding of the study highlights the importance of the moderating role of information quality. Moderating impacts were positive and significant in enhancing the relationships of e-WOM, ATT, SN, PBC, CIE, and PI. Firms and marketers must concentrate on online communication channels to affect consumers’ intention toward purchasing online and engage in e-WOM communication. Companies should pay more attention to consumers' need for accurate and reliable information to enhance e-WOM and information influence.
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