Justina Georgiana MOTAS, Simona Nicoleta MAZURCHEVICI, Dumitru NEDELCU


Composite materials are an increasingly important resource having applicability in a wide range of fields such as automotive, aircraft and even medical one. Their purpose is to improve the functionality of the products by increasing their characteristics. In this sense, this manuscript highlights the mechanical characteristics of the Arboblend V2 Nature bio-polymer, reinforced (by coating the granules) with silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). With the incorporation of nano particles into the structure of the eco-friendly polymer, the resistance of the material to different types of tests changes, specifically, its properties decrease compared to the basic polymer due to the presence of discontinues introduced with the incorporation of silver nanoparticles. But this composite material it is a viable alternative for applications that require antimicrobial characteristics: food packaging, medicine, pharmaceutical industry etc.

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