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Thiago Keizo KATO
graduating in electrical engineering, Student, Federal University of Technology-Paraná-Brazil, Electrical Engineering Department,, +55 14 991117706, Rua Dos Andradas, 421, apto 104 - Centro, Cornélio Procópio – PR – Brazil., +55 14 991117706.
Mauricio Iwama TAKANO
PhD, Professor, Federal University of Technology-Paraná-Brazil, Mechanical Engineering Department,, +55 43 3133-3912, Av. Alberto Carazzai, 1640 - Centro, Cornélio Procópio – PR – Brazil., +55 43 996536741.
Marcelo Seido NAGANO
PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Professor, São Carlos School of Engineering - University of São Paulo-Brazil, Production Engineering,, +55 16 33739428, 400 Trabalhador Sãocarlense Avenue, São Carlos/SP, Zip Code: 13566-590, Brazil, +55 16 991717439.
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