Cristina CÎRTIŢĂ-BUZOIANU, Brândușa Mariana AMĂLĂNCEI, Valentin ZICHIL, Cosmin Constantin GRIGORAȘ, Vlad Andrei CIUBOTARIU


Restrictive conditions on modern society were imposed to avoid congestion, partial or total lockdowns, during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The downside, from the education system point of view, imposed the transfer of classes in an online environment. Thus, the impossibility of being present near industrial equipment slows the understanding of the physical and mechanical phenomena. This problem, whose solution had to come fast and from the digital environment, is addressed in this paper, by developing digital and physical systems that allows students to control an experimental stand from their devices. A questionnaire was applied to evaluate this solution; it was statistically analysed in SPSS using reliability analysis statistics and the resulting evaluation metrics are presented in this paper.

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