Irina DUMA, Nicolae BURNETE, Adrian TODORUŢ, Nicolae CORDOŞ, István BARABÁS, Andreia MOLEA, Marian-Daniel DRAGOSTE, Radu-Mihai EFRIM, Alexandru TEREC


In this paper, the transverse stability parameters of vehicles in rollover are assessed from a physico-mathematical perspective, with a focus on their Static Stability Factor, considering the influence of the transverse slope of the road and the potential attainment of the Neutral Stability Position. Additionally, the travel speeds of vehicles are evaluated, at which skidding or lateral tipping may not occur but could be initiated. The working algorithm has been developed taking into account the forces acting on the vehicle during a turn, the position of the vehicle's center of gravity, its mass, the transverse inclination of the road, the vehicle’s turning radius, and its dimensional and mass parameters.

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