Ionuț – Răzvan NECHITA, Petrică TURTOI, Cătălin ENESCU, Traian CICONE


The expulsion of a fluid from a layer of highly compressible porous material generates important load carrying capacity. The mechanism called eX-Poro-HydroDynamic (XPHD) depends on the permeability of the porous material and its variation with porosity, which in turn depends on compression level. This paper proposes a simple analytical model for calculating the permeability variation with thickness for compressed, two-layered porous materials. The analysis is made for the case of axially symmetric in-plane flow (disc-on-plane configuration). The equations are developed assuming the permeability–porosity correlation, governed by the classic Kozeny-Carman law. A possible simplified approach based on the calculation of equivalent permeability determined using the equivalent porosity of the two layers is also evaluated. The proposed model allows a parametric analysis carried out for the characteristic parameters of open-cell foams, tridimensional fabrics, and other soft, porous sandwich materials.

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