Robert-Marian BLEOTU, Cosmin PREDA, Valentin Ștefan OLEKSIK


The safety of human lives is put in danger by car accidents around the globe. Thus, the implementation and creation of important safety elements is one of the top priorities of car manufacturing companies. Unfortunately, the statistics do not provide promising results in this regard and a lot of attention, from both engineers and researchers, is dedicated to the safety elements of the motor vehicle. This work aims to study the dynamic impact behavior of the metallic front bar used in the construction of motor vehicles. In order to create a new constructive solution for the metal bar, characteristics such as longitudinal shape, bending angle, bending radius, perforation of the front plate, and thickness were studied with the help of finite element simulation. Finally, a comparison analysis was made between such a metal bar, used on one of the safest vehicles, and a novel prototype. We demonstrate that the prototype has the best results in terms of deformation and energy absorption.

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