
Following the pandemic crisis and the restrictions imposed due to it, the business environment has undergone major changes in terms of activities at work. According to researchers, due to the pandemic, there was a large increase in anxiety, stress, and burnout among employees. Thus, the purpose of the present study is to uncover the variables that can determinate both employees ‘motivation and performance at work in a post-covid era where new needs arose. To answer the question "With what variables can we form a model of motivating employees in corporations to meet their needs in a post-covid era?", 22 in-depth interviews have been completed and analyzed using the Grounded Theory method. Following the analysis, a theoretical model of employee motivation at work has been created. Following the data analysis, 30 final categories that directly influence the motivation of employees in companies were highlighted, including: organizational climate, bureaucracy, leadership, teamwork, personal development, and organizational culture. Moreover, all these categories influence each other. The major conclusion of this study is that the needs of employees in a covid era are represented more by psychological needs than by material benefits. The research focuses on the psychological needs of corporate employees, outlining the importance of their psychological needs in a post-covid era. Also, this study represents a new approach in the field of employee motivation for western Romania.

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