Mironela PIRNAU, Claudiu PIRNAU, Iustin PRIESCU, Aurel - Mihail ȚÎȚU, Liviu - Daniel GHICULESCU, Marian – Florentin GHENA


The impact of nanotechnologies lies in the possibility of creatively combining technical progress, resource scarcity, and effective methods of environmental protection. In this context, investment values must increase because, according to Moore's law, the number of transistors on a circuit doubles every eighteen months, contributing to the increase in electronic performance (expected to be 500 times better than today, through silicon etching). One of the future trends is for nano-optics to replace microelectronics (laser transmissions avoid energy losses). According to specialists, the goods and services generated by the development of nanotechnologies (nano-electronics, nano-optics, nanobiotechnology etc.) have an annual value of approximately one trillion dollars. This scientific paper uses natural language processing techniques to analyze posts extracted from Twitter, written in English and French, which refer to words highlighting the creative combination of the three fields that have led to the global impact of nanotechnologies.

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