The dynamic equations of TRTTRR1 modular serial robot are established in this paper, using Lagrangian formulation. After the description of the robot’s structural kinematic scheme and of the used geometric, kinematic and dynamic amounts, starting from the robot’s base, the kinetic energies corresponding to the robot’s modules and to the gripper are successively determined. The whole robot kinetic energy is obtained by summing up the kinetic energies of the modules from the robot’s structure. Following the robot’s structural kinematic scheme, the virtual elementary displacements from the joints are determined as well as the elementary virtual work and the generalized driving forces. Using Lagrange’s equations of the second kind and the determined mechanical amounts (kinetic energy, generalized forces), the differential equations of TRTTRR1 robot are established. Three optimisation variants of the construction and operation of the robot are specified, based on solving the inverse problem of the dynamics of this robot.
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