Ovidiu-Aurelian DETEŞAN, Ramona-Maria GUI (LUNG), Virgil ISPAS, Viorel ISPAS


A dynamic study of TRTTR1 modular serial robot with five degrees of freedom is performed in this paper. The authors use Newton-Euler formulation. Some general considerations on the Newton-Euler iterative method are presented first, and then they are applied for determining the dynamic equations of TRTTR1 robot. The dynamic modelling is performed using the symbolic modelling program, called Robot_Symbolic, the module Robot_Dynamics. The program assumes that the mass distribution parameters and the geometric and kinematic parameters from the robot geometric and kinematic modelling are known. The robot mechanical structure is passed by outwards iterations from the beginning, obtaining the torsor of the external forces. Then, the mechanical structure is passed by inwards iterations, in order to determine the torsor of contact forces and the generalized driving forces from robot’s joints. The expressions of these generalized forces are the system of motion differential equations of the robot.

Key words: serial robot, dynamics, Newton-Euler formulation.

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