The materials used in production of heat exchanger’s plate plays an important function in the operation of this device, depending on the application area. Selecting the wrong plate material can lead to weight gain, that affects the costs of manufacturing, or worse, when using a material that is not compatible with the working agent circulated through the device, the effect is the damage of the product. Due to the wide range of materials with different properties, the material process of selecting is complex and time consuming. While choosing the right material for a specific application, manufacturers often require a systematic methodology to address this problem with several alternatives choices and conflicting objectives. The principles and techniques of Analytical Hierarchy Process were used to prioritize and select the proper material used in construction of plate heat exchanger with gasket. Sensitivity analysis was performed to increase the confidence in the choice of the proper material.
Key words: Material selection; Analytical Hierarchy Process; Plate heat exchanger with gasketsFull Text:
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