Nicolae MIHĂILESC, Horaţiu IANCĂU, Gheorghe ACHIMAŞ


Fine blanking and piercing are advanced methods of cold stamping. Fine blanking and piercing can be done either by using some special dies, with zero or negative clearances between the punch and die, installed on classical presses, either with dies operated by special presses (with double or triple effect). Therefore, fine blanking and piercing replace the classical methods to obtain parts through classical blanking and piercing and their subsequent calibration on contour through stamping. Fine blanking and piercing are well-known in production under the name of fine stamping. By applying these operations one may obtain parts made of sheet metals having a thickness s = 1…20 mm. For fine stamping, the following conditions are imposed to the material: physical mechanical properties suitable for this kind of processing, isotropy of mechanical properties, minimum sheet metal thickness tolerances.

Key words: fine blanking, fine piercing, dimensional accuracy, surface quality

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Iliescu, C. Filip, A. Tehnologia presării la rece, vol. I. Editura Universităţii Transilvania din Braşov, Braşov, 1999.

Suchy, I. Handbook of Die Design, McGraw-Hill Publishing House, New York, 2006.

*** Abaqus Analysis User's Manual. Version 6.9-3, Abaqus, Inc., Providence, 2009.

*** Fine-Blanking Practical Handbook, Feintool AG, Lyss, 1972


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