George ARGHIR, Paul BERE


Constructing dihedral Uoptimum wing Super Climber glider, having 30 % horizontal part of the wingspan, using composite materials for wing and for horizontal stabilizer is better. It has a slight increase of lift and speed, better cruise stability, safety determalization, never broke at the dihedral start, never fallen on a wing and climb on the air (after 50 test flights).  It is more resistant to shocks. Super Climber (SC) has the same size as Climber (C) and uses the same airfoil profile for wing – B 7406f, for horizontal stabilizer – C is using CRD 921 and SC – Clark Y 70 %. Both are F1E class gliders – gliders with automatic steering – slope soaring gliders. The composite material construction is more favorable aerodynamically and in use (training and in contests).

Key words: Model airplane, glider, Uoptimum wing, composite materials

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