Mirabela Luciana GAŞPAR, Violeta FIRESCU


The organizations that are able to adapt quickly to changes are most competitive in a fast-changing business and industrial environment. In the software development industry, developing new skills for employees, that sustain the strategic objectives, is part of the solution for convincing all customers that the company is able to comply with new industry approaches. In the present paper, interviews, brainstorming sessions and workshops were used during two years period, to develop the conceptual framework for a new occupation – software development technical expert auditor (SDTEA). The results are based on ISO 19011:2018, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 and can be used by the Integrated Management System Manager as a best practice example within a software development company, on one hand. On the other hand, the findings are useful for the specialists in the process of developing new trainings and a new occupational standard.

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