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ARGHIR, Mariana, Mariana ARGHIR, Prof. Dr. Eng., Department of Engineering Mechanical Systems, UTCN, E-mail:, Office Phone 0264.401.657.
ARGHIR, Mariana, Prof. Dr. Eng., Department of Engineering Mechanical Systems, UTCN,
ARGHIR, Mariana, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems, B-dul Muncii, No. 103-105, Tel: 0729.108.327
ARGHIR, Mariana, Prof. Dr. Eng., Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems, Technical University of Cluj- Napoca, ROMANIA, e-mail: (Romania)
ARGHIR, Mariana, Prof. Ph.D., Mech. Eng., Department of Mechanics and Computer Programming, Faculty of Machines Building, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Tel: (+)40.264.401.657
ARGHIR, Mariana, Mariana ARGHIR, Prof. Dr. Eng., Department of Engineering Mechanical Systems, UTCN, E-mail:, Office Phone 0264.401.657.
ARGHIR, Mariana, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
ARGHIR, Mariana, ARGHIR Mariana, Emeritus Prof. Dr. Eng., Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Mechanical Engineering System Department, no.103-105 B-dul Muncii, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA, e-mail:
ARGHIR, Mariana, Prof. Dr. Eng., Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems, Tel: 0264.401.657, Mobil: 0729.108.327, Technical University of Cluj- Napoca, ROMANIA, e-mail:
ARGHIR, Mariana, Prof. Dr. Eng., Department of Engineering Mechanical Systems, UTCN, Office Phone 0264.401.657.
ARGHIR, Mariana, Prof. Dr. Eng., Department of Engineering Mechanical Systems, UTCN, E-mail:, Office Phone 0264.401.657.
ARGHIR, Mariana, Prof. Dr. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems, B-dul Muncii, No. 103-105, Tel: 0729.108.327
ARGHIR, Mariana, Univ. Prof. Dr. Eng. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Mechanical System Engineering, E-mail: , Office Telephone: (+) 40 264 401 657, Home Telephone: (+) 40 264 571 024, Cluj – Napoca, România
ARGHIR, Mariana, Department of Engineering Mechanical Systems, UTCN, Office Phone 0264.401.657. (Romania)
ARGHIR, Mariana, Prof. Dr., Mech. Eng., Department of Mechanics and Computer Programming
ARGHIR, Mariana, Prof. Dr. Eng., Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems, Technical University of Cluj- Napoca, ROMANIA. (Romania)
ARGHIR, Mariana, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems,, B-dul Muncii, No. 103-105, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
ARGHIR, Mariana
ARGHIR, Mariana, Em. Prof. Dr., Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems, B-dul Muncii, No. 103-105, Tel: 0729.108.327; E-mail:, , ROMANIA (Romania)
ARGHIR, Mariana, PhD Student, Department of Engineering Mechanical Systems
ARGHIR, Mariana, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems, B-dul Muncii, No. 103-105, ROMANIA
ARGHIR, Mariana, Prof. Dr., Mech. Eng., Department of Mechanics and Computer Programming, Faculty of Machines Building, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Tel: (+)40.264.401.657
ARGHIR, Mariana, Mariana ARGHIR, Prof. Dr. Eng., Department of Engineering Mechanical Systems, UTCN,
ARGHIR, Mariana, Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems, Technical University of Cluj- Napoca, ROMANIA,
ARGHIR, Mariana, Department of Mechanics and Computer Programming, Faculty of Machines Building, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Tel: (+) 40.264.401.657.

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