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M., Adithya, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Aeronautical Engineering, E51A/1A Ramaniyam Orchid 16th Cross Street, Besant Nagar, Chennai, INDIA.
MAAMRI, Nadira, Department of transportation Engineering, university of Constantine,
MAC, Jarosław, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology, 6 Ewerysa Estkowskiego street, 61-755 Poznań, Poland. E-mail: Office Phone: (+48) 61 850 49 00.
MACARIE, Tiberiu
MACOVEI, Alexandra Maria, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
MACOVEI, Alexandra Maria, Drd. Eng., Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems, TUCN, ROMANIA, Tel: 0264.401.657;
MACOVEI, Alexandra Maria, Department of Mechanical Engineering Systems, TUCN, ROMANIA;
MACOVEI, Gheorghe, PhD Student, Eng., “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics Department, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Iasi, Romania,
MAGHEȚI, Ioan, Ioan MAGHEȚI, PhD. Fiz., Professor, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Mechanics
MAIER, Doru, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Robotics and Production Management, Engineering and Management Department
MAIORESCU, Raymond, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics
MAJOR, Kinga, Cluj County Emergency Clinical Hospital
MAJOR, Zoltan, “Iuliu Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca; Municipal Clinical Hospital Cluj-Napoca, Neurology Department
MALACARNE, Ciro, Additive Manufacturing R&D, PROM Facility @ Trentino Sviluppo,
MALCIU, Raluca, University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics, Department of Vehicles, Transport and Industrial Engineering, 107, Calea Bucuresti, 200512, Craiova, Dolj.
MALCIU, Raluca, University of Craiova, Faculty of Mechanics
MALCOCI, Iulian, Technical University of Moldova, Fundamentals of Machines Design Department
MALCOCI, Iulian, Technical University of Moldova, Mechanical Engineering and Transports Faculty, Rep. Moldova, city Chișinău, str. Studenților 9/8, off. 6-412
MALCOCI, Iulian, Technical University of Moldova, Mechanical Engineering and Transports Faculty, str. Studenților 9/8, off. 6-412, Rep. Moldova, city Chișinău
MALEA, Claudiu Ionuț, PhD student, Research Assistant, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Pitesti University Center, Regional Research and Development Centre for Innovative Materials, Processes and Products for the Automotive Industry, Doaga S
MALLIL, El Hassan, Équipe de Recherche Appliquée sur les Polymères, ENSEM, Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco,
MAN, Marcela, Helix GmbH, Industrial Engineering, Frankfurt am Main
MANAVIS, Athanasios, University of Western Macedonia, Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering
MANAVIS, Athanasios, University of Western Macedonia (Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of)
MÂNCILĂ, Daniela, Company MED SRL, Pechea, Galați, România, 27 Zorilor street.

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