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Marius Marinel STANESCU
Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova, Department of Applied Mechanics and Civil Constructions, Bucuresti Avenue 107
prof., Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova, Department of Applied Mechanics and Civil Constructions, E-mail:, Bucuresti Avenue 107
Dumitru BOLCU
Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova, Department of Applied Mechanics and Civil Constructions, Bucuresti Avenue 107
prof., Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova, Department of Applied Mechanics and Civil Constructions, E-mail: dbolcu@, Bucuresti Avenue 107
Mihaela Liana BOGDAN
Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova, Department of Applied Mechanics and Civil Constructions, Bucuresti Avenue 107
assoc. prof., Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova, Department of Applied Mechanics and Civil Constructions, E-mail: bogdan.mihaela123@, Bucuresti Avenue 107
Ionut Daniel GEONEA
Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova, Department of Applied Mechanics and Civil Constructions , Bucuresti Avenue 107
assoc. prof., Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova, Department of Applied Mechanics and Civil Constructions , E-mail: igeonea@, Bucuresti Avenue 107
Valeriu IONICA
Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova, Department of Applied Mechanics and Civil Constructions, Bucuresti Avenue 107
eng., Faculty of Mechanics from Craiova, Department of Applied Mechanics and Civil Constructions, E-mail:, Bucuresti Avenue 107
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